ICC - Projects 2010 - 2018

Flood victim assistance

What had happened?  In August 2010, an area half of Germany was flooded in Pakistan by devastating floods. Almost all infrastructure and 2 million houses were destroyed and 14 million people were left homeless. Rapid emergency aid and sustained reconstruction support were urgently needed. Admirable emergency aid was provided by many of the 180 Rotary clubs in Pakistan, which could be seen on the websites of the two Pakistani districts 3271 and 3272.

As an example you see above the destroyed elementary school on the left side and the new flood save building in Kuz Paro, Kohistan.

Where and how did Rotary Germany help?

Rotary Germany was able to take swift action through the Inter Country Committee Germany-Pakistan, which was founded in 2005 on the occasion of the earthquake disaster in Pakistan. With the help of this country committee and the initiative of the German Leading District 1840 under DG Rainer Späth, many other German districts and clubs as well as Rotary Deutschland Gemeindienst e.V. (RDG),

1,053,508 EUR (as of 06.05.2020)

could be collected to support the Pakistani flood victims. As a result, Rotary Germany was at the forefront of international Rotarian assistance. This sum was used as follows:


Pakistani Rotary clubs or small German non-governmental organizations applied for funds for emergency aid, PAUL and reconstruction projects. The Inter Country Committee, Pakistani and German Section, examined, co-financed and monitored the implementation of the projects together with RDG. The cooperation between the German and Pakistani sections of the country committee was excellent. 6 of the 10 emergency relief projects were carried out by Rotary clubs in Pakistan, as were 5 of the 13 reconstruction projects.

Shelter Box

Of the total amount, 455,533 EUR were donated specifically for shelter boxes.

607 families, whose homes were completely destroyed by the floods, have received these shelter boxes.

Each box contains a tent and other essentials such as blankets, a small stove, cooking utensils and eating utensils for a family of 8 persons.

Emergency Projects

156,225 EUR were donated by local Rotary clubs or districts directly to Rotary clubs or non-governmental organizations in Pakistan (see row 5 of the table).

Of the remaining amount of 441,750 EUR received by RDG, 99,200 EUR were given to seven Pakistani Rotary clubs, two German and one Austrian organization for urgently needed emergency efforts.


Portable Aqua Unit for Livesaving (PAUL)

Furthermore, 46 water backpacks PAUL (Portable Aqua Unit for Lifesaving) worth 48,806 EUR were distributed through the Humanity Care Foundation in Pakistan to alleviate the drinking water problem.

Reconstruction of Buildings

The remaining funds were spent on the reconstruction of simple residential buildings, schools and suspension bridges and the construction of drinking water systems. With 293,744 euros, 13 projects were supported by Pakistani Rotary clubs / districts or private aid organizations.

Major projects

Reconstruction of 70 simple dwellings in Charsadda (half of which was financed by RC Islamabad-Cosmopolitan), Kyber Pakhtun Kwa province, for 63,000 EUR.

Reconstruction of Buildings

New Elementary School in Kuz Paro, Kohistan

The new school is protected against floods. Its total costs including protection walls amounted to 54,600 EUR. Its construction was completed on 16th Oct. 2012, thanks to Claus Euler, a German development expert living in Islamabad.

Five suspension bridges in Swat valley

Five suspension bridges had been destroyed in the mountainous districts of Sangla and Kohistan. Their reconstruction at a cost of 54994 € was done by the German Welthungerhilfe and its partner organization Lasoona.

Construction of simple houses in Jo Goth

Construction of simple houses in Rotarian Modell village Jo Goth, Sindh, in cooperation with Rotary Humanitarian Trust of District 3271 (Pakistan south).

Handing over of house keys

You see a completed house with open kitchen and toilet. Below, Governor 3271 (left) and Faiz Kidwai, President of Trust Fund District 3271, handing over the keys of a new house to the new owner.

With Rotary donations from Pakistan and Germany, a total of 160 new simple houses were built in the model village of Jo Goth and handed over to flood victims of the year 2010. 55 of these 160 houses were funded by Rotary donations from Germany, mostly from Rotary clubs in District 1800. The ICC and RDG/Düsseldorf were in charge of the financial processing, control and accounting of the German contribution.

Other reconstruction projects included the following:

  1. Reconstruction of 2 schools in Nowshera, KPK province
  2. Resumption of 3-years treatment of multi resistant TB at Leprosy hospital, Rawalpindi
  3. Construction of a vocational training workshop for young flood victims in Azizabad/Tangi, KPK
  4. Reconstruction of the Centre for Speech and Hearing, Mardan
  5. Construction of a drinking water unit in Landi Arbab near Peshawar
  6. Reconstruction of houses in Muzzafargarh, southern Punjab
  7. Construction of houses for flood victims in village Bux Lakhiar, Sindh.


Projects 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7 were carried out together with the Humanity Care Foundation, Project 6 with RC Islamabad Renaissance. Furthermore, 5 houses in the village of Tamman, Chakwal district were repaired together with the RC Islamabad Cosmopolitan).


Aidprograms of Pakistani Rotary Clubs

Here you can see some exemplary pictures of relief efforts by Rotary clubs from Pakistan who have helped selflessly and on their own initiative in many places, not only with donations, but with ‚hands on‘ projects. In 10 cases, Rotary Germany was able to support the relief efforts and projects of the Pakistani clubs through the country committee

Translation from Urdu: From Rotary Germany Grant of Euro 5000 = for the flood effecties.

Distributes 175 quilts books and gift packs at a relief camp at Dera Kei, in Aman Kote.

Rotary Club Rawalpindi organized a relief camp for the flood effected families. The items distributes were required by the effected families. All the families received the good and were very much obliged to the Rotary Germany.

According to the details received, Rotary Club Rawalpindi organized a camp and distributes 175 quilts and gift packs to all the families at the camp. The entire recipients were ever so obliged that in time of need they were helped by the Rotary Germany. Rtn DG Haji Iftikhar Ahmed, Rtn Manzoor Hussain Malik and Rtn Munir Ahmed were the organizer of the camp.
Another relief camp will be organized during this month when the food items and other items required by the effected families will be distributed.