Rules for Donations

The Germany-Pakistan Rotary Inter Country Committee is happy to help with the donations that have been entrusted to it. Rotary also makes sure that the donations really go where they are urgently needed. The rules for applicants listed below will help in this matter.

Here you can download this file.

Rules for Donations from Rotary Germany (State of 20 Sept. 2010)

Donations from German Rotarians for the Rotary Foundation as well as for district or club activities are handled by Rotary Deutschland Gemeindienst e.V. (RDG), Duesseldorf. The responsible fiscal authorities have approved RDG as a charitable non-profit registered trust. To maintain this approval the following rules have to be followed in case of bank transfers from RDG to receiving parties in countries outside Germany or Austria: 

1.  The funds have to be used only for the specific purpose they were donated for. RDG has to prove this to the German fiscal authorities at any time required.

2.  RDG requires for all money transfers a letter of acknowledgement with an attached copy of the statement of account of the receiving party.

3.  RDG requires a report on expenditure of the donated funds in form of an income and expense statement and a detailed report of the activities related to it. If funds of several donors have supported these activities and the expenditures cannot be related to RDG funds specifically, an income and expense statement of all received funds and their related activities has to be presented.

4.  The receiving party is obliged to proof the accuracy of the income and expense statement by corresponding receipts, translated into German or English language.

5.  The report of the activities may be supported by  a. Photos, flyers, press reports b. Official letters of other donors or supporting authorities,  c. Confirmation of the German Embassy or German Consulate that the activities had been executed, d. If the receiver is a non-profit registered trust, a copy of the charter of the registered trust has to beprovided in German or English language,

6.  According to German fiscal code, RDG is obliged to keep the receipts of the expenditures for 10 years after termination of the respective project. The Inter Country Committee (ICC) Germany – Pakistan and the recipient organizations in Pakistan assume the same responsibility. ICC imposes the obligation to collect and maintain original documents to the recipient organizations in Pakistan; copies of each document to be provided to the German Section of the ICC. The acceptance of this clause has to be assured and confirmed irrevocably.

7.  Before a money transfer is done, the foreign project partner has to agree in writing to the above rules.

8.  In case of funds provided to Rotary Clubs of Pakistan or to non-profit organizations working in Pakistan, the respective income and expense statement and report of activities, along with the related bills and documents have to be delivered to the Treasurer of the German Section of the ICC Germany – Pakistan (see the footer), who will pass them on to RDG after his approval.

These rules have been accepted by:

Receiving party: ……………………………………………………………….……………………………….…

Location and date: …………………………………………………………………………………………..……

Signed by: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(name in capital letters and function in applying organisation)

Date, stamp (if available) and

Signature: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Project Application Form for projects to be supported by RDG-Germany

based on recommendation of ICC Germany-Pakistan

  1. Name and contact details of applying organisation (RC of …, NGO …)
  2. Legal form of applicant organisation, year of registration/foundation
  3. Responsible person for the project, incl. personal contact details
  4. Title of project
  5. Location of project (Pakistan, Province, District, Union Council, Village or City)
  6. Beneficiaries of project (incl. approx. number)
  7. Background and objective of the project 
  8. Short description of planned activities
  9. Intended date to start with the project
  10. Approximate time period needed for implementation of the project
  11. Implementing local partner organisation with responsible person
  12. Supporting organisation from Germany or other country (if any)
  13. Total costs of the project and RDG % of total fund required (Details of investment and operating costs should be shown in an itemized project budget in Annex 1.)
  14. Amount of financial support applied for with RDG/ICC (in Euro)
  15. Organisation / person who will finance the other costs
  16. Possible follow-up costs financed by
  17. Place and date
  18. Signature (also in capital letters) and function of signing person